summary of hamlet story


Long time ago in Denmark kingdom, lived a prince named Hamlet. One night, hamlet met his father ghost, told that his father died not because of snake yet was killed by Claudius, Hamlet’s step father(The King) now. After knowing that truth, Hamlet decided to take revenge to Claudius.

Hamlet tried to tell his mother about his dead father. Then, he listened some noise voices from the curtain and killed the man hid there, Polonius.

Ophelia, Polonius’s daughter became crazy because her father died, then she was found died in the water too. Claudius told to Polonius’ brother that Hamlet killed Polonius. He suggested  Leartes to take revenge by a sword fighting. Claudius put poison to the sword to kill Hamlet.  Also put the poison in hamlet wine.

They fought, firstly hamlet won the game. Claudius asked him to drink wine, but hamlet rejected it. His mom, Gertrude drunk the poison wine and died. Hamlet was mad and forced Claudius to drink the wine too. Finally, Claudius died. Unfortunately, the sword impaled him and died.


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